![]() Use information technology to grow your businessOffering world-class consulting and software development services
Help You Understand Yourself
Hello, I'm Skylare.
I'm here to help you understand yourself better by recording your mood changes through conversation.
In addition to me, there are other bots here, they are happy to help you develop a healthy lifestyle.
Please rest assured that our conversation is completely confidential and will not be seen by others. You can speak freely without any worries. I am happy to accompany you at any time, as your most intimate listener.
Are you ready to rediscover yourself?
Chinese Checkbot
Believe it or not, even in today’s AI Era, we still rely on “eyeball checking” when it comes to proofreading Chinese. There is no Chinese Language spelling checker in the market.
Nezha is an AI-driven Chinese language Checkbot to prefect your Writing.
One of the competitive advantages of Nezha is that there are billions of Chinese vocabulary (more than 100GB) in its lexicon. The lexicon is built from advanced natural language processing (NLP) technology. No existing dictionary in the market contains such a huge volume of vocabulary. This makes Nezha highly accurate.
Visual Search Tracker
Track Your Eyeball Movement
This project is to develop a desktop software for helping doctors to conduct experiments for monitoring the eye movements of Parkinson patients. The desktop software can be synchronised with Tobii studio. The goal is to keep track of the eye movements of a patient while he/she is searching for a digit among a set of 40 different alphabets.
We also have an open source Visual Search Tracker Analyzer analyzer for conducting the analysis.
Turns Data into Actionable Insights
ARIES uses big data, machine learning and natural language processing to aggregate and analyse data from multiple sources in real-time to assist you obtain actionable insights.
ARIES can automatically digest news and broker reports, suggest the trustworthiness of them, and forecast stock price based on the reliability and the consolidated view of these reports. Stock investors no longer need to search and analyse the massive amount of inconsistent market information by themselves. ARIES is an excellent assistant for all stock traders.
Food & Drink
Hong Kong has a reputation as a gourmet paradise and there have been numerous dining guides and review platforms offering a wide range of recommendations for tourists. "EatChoice" based on historical posts and reviews on social networks and established digital dining guides. "EatChoice"is tailored to fit different language needs of the world’s travellers, such as Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish.
Currently, most popular dining guides generally make recommendations according to the ratings by public users, thus the restaurants are usually famous ones or liked by most people. The peer impact is not considered as an indicator for making a specific recommendation in existing dining guides.
However, people in reality tend to pick restaurants that are posted on social networks and recommended by peers. "EatChoice" integrated AI and utilise social network resources to assist users in decision making.
Jockey Club CADENZA e-Tools for Elder Care
CADENZA is an app aiming at providing practical tips and real life demonstration for both seniors and care givers to support the common health Problems experienced by elderly. The app will be available in 2nd quarter of 2021. It is developed for CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageings.
CADENZA is an acronym for "Celebrate their Accomplishments: Discover their Effervescence and Never-ending Zest as they Age." In classical music, a Cadenza is an extended virtuosic section, usually near the end of a movement concerto. The word is used figuratively to describe the apex of one's life and celebration of a lifetime's accomplishments.

Sinologist Library
The World First Online Sinologist Library
This project is to develop an online sinologist library. This is the world first such library. It is developed for CUHK-BLCU Joint Research Centre for Chinese Linguistics and Applied Linguistics.

A Platform for Student Composition Annotation and Analysis
This project aims to construct a university student writing corpus for the development of learning enhancement and quality control tool by develop a web-based system to support the learner to retrieval a wide range of Chinese writing samples. It is developed for Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Mood Waves
Record Your Mood Waves
Mood Waves is a self-help mobile app for tracking user moods. It employed the technique Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM). Through ESM, we can capture user moment-to-moment experience. This technique not only can assess people’s general feelings, but to link them with situations and time of the day. It is less influenced by memory biases. It is developed for the Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The 4th Workshop on NLP Techniques for Educational Applications (NLPTEA 2017)
Shared Task for Chinese Spelling Check
Lab Viso is the official sponsor for the web-related aspect for the Shared Task for Chinese Spelling Check in the 4th Workshop on NLP Techniques for Educational Applications (NLPTEA 2017).
NLPTEA 2017 provides a forum where international participants can share knowledge on the computer-assisted language learning. For the past decade, research and development in the computational linguistics community has advanced NLP techniques for educational applications. The goal of this task is to develop a computer-assisted system to automatically diagnose typing errors in Traditional Chinese sentences written by primary or secondary students.
Hallo Deutsch
Learning Germany
Want to rediscover Hong Kong and learn German at the same time? This app is exactly what you are searching for! At five different MTR stations, you will learn German vocabularies and practice the grammar through various games: Buy grocery in Yau Ma Tei and clothes in Causeway Bay. Look for an apartment in Central and furnish it. Take a walk in Mong Kok and Aberdeen. Every time you learn a new word, you will win trophies and "euros" which allow you to shop. The vocabulary list with pictures and texts will also help you memorize the words.
This app is developed for Goethe-Institut HK. The Goethe-Institut is a non-profit German cultural association operational worldwide with 159 institutes, promoting the study of the German language abroad and encouraging inter-national cultural exchange and relations. This project is to develop a mobile app game. The goal of this game is to help the players to learn German. The first version of this app was available on 2011 and only iOS version is available. The second version is available on 2016 and both Android and iOS versions are available.
Every business is unique.
Because of this, we offer options that are personally tailored to suit your IT needs.

Mobile App Solution
We develop mobile apps for iOS and Android. We turn your ideas into real apps to grow your business. We excel at understanding our clients business needs and craft a customized solution for them.

Web Solution
We create websites your customers will love, including innovative and powerful online tools like complex web apps and custom e-businesses with 100% guarantee of correct functioning.

Customized Software
We believe that every client is distinct, every project is unique. Our style is clean, uncluttered, and steeped in the principals of design. We build tailor-made software for your own business.

IT Consultation
Wondering how IT can help your business to grow? We help companies confidently address technology-related decisions and ensure their IT organizations and operating models are agile and effective.
About Us
Making sure we deliver what you exactly need is our business philosophy.
There will always be something specific to your business. We start every engagement by finding out what makes you tick. We will talk to as many people in your business as you will allow, to find out what they are doing now – and what they would like to be able to do.
We will survey your existing network and systems thoroughly so that we can plan properly and to make sure we have not missed any of the software your people need to do their jobs.